Assertive-I adore this word cuz every so often this is what I desperately crave to be and cannot be when I need to be. I cannot speculate how far it can get us, cuz it can be lethal damage at times but gives us an colossal sense of relief .I think everyone would consent with this esp for folks who are out there facing the harsh humankind (on their job). Perhaps the worst thing that would transpire would be “you are fired” but what the heck, the sense of satisfaction that follows would be our compensation. It’s better than being there in agony! Come on lets go get a life.
Well! Am wondering, “Why the hell am I writing about this.” This morning one of my pals came up to me and said something bizarre (something which I don’t like to divulge here). I should have spoken my mind but instead, blurted all the opposites. Isn’t that being an oxymoron .Why am I being so diplomatic here when I should have been assertive? I thing being diplomatic helps at times but am I not deceitful on my mind and her? Guess that was the only option! Guys she is a sensitive wreck so now you know why I was being suave.
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