Morning person
Keep away from them. That being said I can’t keep away from my son. A five year old being a morning person is atypical. These species are all cheerful, organized, and ever ready to fire a quick “good morning” to the lazy bums. My dad belongs to this exceptional breed and he tried his best to convert me but in vain. He even went up to the extent of brushing and excreting loudly. Not to mention those made up serial coughs, which sure woke our neighbors. I being the thick skinned buffalo reacted to all his gimmicks with a few grunts and buried myself under the bedsheets, which I could afford then. Looks like his curse has acted upon me now in the form of my son since I can’t turn my back if he screams potty in the morning and demands to be washed. I can’t turn my back if he screams,“I am hungry”. I can’t turn my back if he screams, “ I haven’t completed my homework “. I can’t turn my back if he screams “ BABY IS CRYING”. Talk about winter and its gets close to impossible to waking up early. Now that am a mother of two kids I hope god gives me the strength to become a morning person WHICH I HATE THE MOST.
same pinch....both the kids gets up sharp at 6am and make me crazy...
I read this blog a while back.. But today I came back to write comment. :o). I sure always went through the same feelings with my Dad.. But my son is not at all morning person, so I Have to be morning person to wake him up.!!!! And come weekend, he gets up early and says, "Wake up, it's morning time".!! Ofcourse.!!!!
all your blogs are wellwritten . ienvy the time you have to be able to think and write well. comment mabbe i'll type someother time . unni has just arrived from school
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