Wednesday, October 14, 2009

An Unresolved Issue

My self and Adi always quarrel when it comes to practicing his handwriting. His writing used to be fine until recently and off late I noticed that he is in a hurry to finish his work which is making his writing awful .Yesterday Adi got his portions for the third test and I opted to brush his grammar portion first. So I opened his class work and slowly began to ask him questions. Half way through I spotted a sentence that he had written trimly and I showed it to him saying, that is the kind of handwriting I expect him to continue. He then began to argue and told me not to interfere in that matter as I had the worst handwriting in the “whole world” and added that his teacher would have given me TC if I showed her my handwriting!!!!!!


Sumee said...

Hehehehe.. funny.. :o). So you know what you need to do now. ;o)

Ajith Edassery said...

I share his view on the handwriting part :)

gulnaz said...

Please get back to Kindergarten :-P

Vidya said...

@gul come along me :)))

Unknown said...

ninekke pettiya magan thane ;)